By // 2016-02-08
HPA (High Pollution Advisory) days within Maricopa County are delcared by ADEQ (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality).
What does this mean for you?
*All dust or emission related violations hold a heavier hand (they will be more expensive and have less tolerance) on HPA days.
Please remind all trades to be extra diligent during an HPA day. Inspectors will be heavily present in the field and they will be specifically watching for visible dust or unstable surface areas.
During a PM-2.5 High Pollution Advisory, the following is prohibited
Leaf blowers being used on governmental properties.
Woodburning in residential fireplaces, chimineas, outdoor fire pits.
This restriction includes woodburning fires at hotels and restaurants.
Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) being used in Area A.
What does this mean for you?
*All dust or emission related violations hold a heavier hand (they will be more expensive and have less tolerance) on HPA days.
Please remind all trades to be extra diligent during an HPA day. Inspectors will be heavily present in the field and they will be specifically watching for visible dust or unstable surface areas.
During a PM-2.5 High Pollution Advisory, the following is prohibited
Leaf blowers being used on governmental properties.
Woodburning in residential fireplaces, chimineas, outdoor fire pits.
This restriction includes woodburning fires at hotels and restaurants.
Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) being used in Area A.