Newletters, helpful advice and other pearls of wisdom from Earthworks' staff.
by Mark Hubbard // 2020-08-25
If you have lived in Arizona for any amount of time you know water is a precious commodity. Finding new and innovative ways to use all available water has never been more important. Although stormwater normally is considered a nuisance there are cities here in Arizona that are taking an i...
Read Moreby Haley Daily // 2020-08-25
Flooding remains to be a reoccurring challenge across the state of Texas regardless of the city or county. Mass quantities and high velocity of water can transport pollutants without proper filtration, ultimately lowering water quality. Flooding also has the potential to damage not only v...
Read Moreby Rick Jackson // 2020-08-25
Sediment basins are meant to receive and detain sediment-laden runoff for a period to allow the sediment to settle out of the water column. The basin is constructed by the excavation of a pit and/or the construction of an embankment. Sediment basins also have an engineered outlet facility...
Read Moreby Matthew Trygg // 2020-08-13
Surface stabilization is an important principle of erosion and sediment control because reducing erosion at the source is more effective and efficient than trying to clean up sediment after it has eroded. Minimizing the disturbance and length of time bare soil is left at the site greatly ...
Read Moreby Don Abresch // 2020-08-13
Surface stabilization is an important principle of erosion and sediment control because reducing erosion at the source is more effective and efficient than trying to clean up sediment after it has eroded. Minimizing the disturbance and length of time bare soil is left at the site greatly reduc...
Read Moreby Brooks Morse // 2020-08-10
Does your project have a perfect record? Does your site have any corrective actions? Whether your project is designed with on-site retention or directly conveys into an MS4 or water of the U.S. – the SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) should always reflect onsite conditions and ...
Read Moreby Haley Daily // 2020-08-10
Across the United Stated penalties and fines can be issued by local, state and federal agencies. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality has the authority to issue administrative or civil penalties that range from $0-25,0000 per violation per day. Citations can cost the owner of a p...
Read Moreby Rick Jackson // 2020-08-10
Erosion Control Blankets are often utilized, if not required, on construction sites to aid in the stabilization of sloped soils. However, they are often improperly installed. The proper installation of the blankets can usually be found on detail pages located in the Storm Water Pollution ...
Read Moreby Johnathan Clayton // 2020-08-10
As compliance managers in Florida, we inspect sites frequently. With that experience, potentially most common issue noticed in Florida, would be erosion onto streets. Some seem to take a reactive approach to this sediment issue rather than our clients who take a proactive approach. One of...
Read Moreby Mark Hubbard // 2020-08-10
There are many variables to the planning and the implementation of a successful Storm Water management plan. One critical piece is the process of the selection and use of temporary erosion and sediment controls. These controls are put in place to prevent or reduce the movement of sediment...
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